All Living History Enthusiasts, Reenactors with World War II impressions, and military vehicle collectors with World War II equipment/vehicles are invited to attend and bring equipment to Aviation Discovery Fest.
Living History Enthusiasts and Reenactors
- Living History activities will be limited to those in World War II attire.
- Vehicle participation in Living History Convoy Activities will be limited to World War II vehicles.
- We have a large grass space designated as a camp area and encourage all participants able to set up a period camp area to do so.
- Vehicle grass space is limited, and some of the vehicles will be on the concrete ramp - please indicate if you have a preference.
- While there is no battle scheduled, there will be an opportunity for demonstrations throughout the day. Please let us know if your unit has a special demonstration or your vehicle has a special demo it/they would like to do!
The event grounds and Living History areas are within the airport boundaries and are secure after hours. They will be lit and patrolled to ensure the security of all equipment on the ramp. Trailers and Support equipment can be left on site from unloading until loading.

Living History Camp Information
The Camp Area is within the event boundaries on secure airport property (within the perimeter fence) and is adjacent to the ramp area where the aircraft will be parking. It will be open to the public on all three days.
- Thursday - Camp Area Opens for Setup 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
- Friday - Camp Area Opens for Public 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. (additional setup 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.)
- Saturday - Camp Area Opens for Public from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Sunday - Camp Area Opens for the Public from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (vehicles will not be allowed to access the site for take down until after 5 p.m.)
Please also note:
- The nearest water spigot is 300 feet away from the camp area.
- There is no power service in the camp area.
- Space in the Living History Camp Area is limited, and priority will be given to those who will be set up for all three days.
For additional information, please click here to send an email.